This is for you if...
You want to live your best life, or,​
You’re feeling fraught and fragile, raw, uncertain, grieving losses large or small, annoyed by yet another transition, nervous for what could be… then this is for You.
Without a doubt - fully, wholly, unequivocally – this is for You.
In the Grace of Life Itself, there is space. Let’s explore it together!
- Dr. Lauren
There is a Blessing present.
It’s everywhere you turn. ​
In every smile you see,
in every kind gesture acting as a gateway to goodness,
in every courageous step forward revealing the path less traveled - the path that welcomes and supports as you reach for the dream, right here, right now… because the dream is right here, right NOW.​​
Don’t see it? Can’t feel It? Don’t recognize yourself?​​​
Yes, the Blessing is you.
To find your life, you must find your heart – your spiritual heart – you must welcome it fully and learn to live through it willingly.
Don't believe it?
Let's get started so you can.

A Few Things to Remember:
Transformative cycles are the very foundation of life.
There are no secrets within you.
Loving is your native language.
The soul who rules is not without hope.
Hi, I'm Dr. Lauren.
Over the past 30 years, I've honed my craft to help my clients.
In my fun and formative 20’s, I experienced a deep personal struggle surrounding a family tragedy. My dad attempted suicide, attempted being the operative word; he went on to live a full life pursuant to his soul’s destiny.
For those of us caught in his storm, it was a pivotal moment. We each wrestled differently with the turbulence that ensued, no doubt the emotions present echoing what may have been the very same ones that led him to his choice - the mirror present, yet not necessarily easy to gaze into.
Dr. Lauren's unique blend of spiritual counseling, mentoring, and coaching... provided me a profound sense of connection and rejuvenation.
- Jill M., Elementary School Reading Specialist

Flowing Forward
Beyond the Flaws and into the Wonder
Call it what you like, it’s all medicine - sacred, ancient, original, timeless.
It’s the story of your life and my life, of our ancestors and those waiting in the wings. It is the truth of humanity, the stuff of legends, of all the ways we fall apart and find our way forward, regardless of the current terrain (molehill, mountain, debris field left behind.)
That we live this cycle one breath to the next, is both miracle and blessing.
To participate in it is unquestionably bigger than our attempt to explain it.
Beyond the calluses and bruises of earthly existence, when you recognize and remember your spiritual nature, you can reach anywhere and never lose your balance. You can:
Loosen your attachments to the edges of your own extremes.
Remember who you are while learning to recognize yourself in another.
Flow Forward with Purpose and Calling.
Partner Wisdom with Fresh Ideas.
Be on Purpose with Yourself Right Now.

Embark on a Path
Life is a journey.
The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
- Marcel Proust
Listen, healing isn't rocket science.
It is a decision. To collaborate. With yourself.
A decision that takes dedication, devotion, and an incredible willingness
To stand upright within and face the current creation
To surrender and sacrifice the habits and patterns that got you there
To release the rules that run your life
To invite compassion in as a lifelong friend, who hangs close, always available, ever present
Healing is about making peace. With yourself. Regardless of symptoms or disease, ALL healing begins with peace.

Take Baby Steps or Giant Leaps
From crisis to creation, both work and both get you there!
Baby Steps
Ongoing Individual Sessions as the Spirit moves you.​
(In-Person or Virtual)
Packages of 3, 6, or 9 sessions include a 10% discount when pre-paid.​​
Giant Leaps
Transformational Journeys​​
1. Deep See Diving (in person only)
2. Ignite Your Power (in person or virtual)
3. Seasons of the Soul (in person only)​
Break Down - The stories, strategies, and their relevancy to your present and future life experience.
Break Free - from outdated decisions, ideas, and beliefs about your abilities.
Break Through - to the grandest version of your highest self!
"Dr. Lauren shows up every day with her gift of bringing in love, acceptance, and a crazy enthusiasm for helping you know you are on your perfect path. THANK You for sharing your amazing gifts."
- Susan P., HR Executive
Embrace the Questions
From the beginning of time, your soul has had a purpose for your life, brought forward through a cascade of relationships, experiences, and choices that would reveal the breadth and scope of your humanity, of what sings your heart, of what it means to live an inspired life.
As you unravel the poignant stories of your life - the wounds, the wins, what lives in the shadows - you’ll begin to recognize their value and the blessing they offer. Your inquisitive nature can illuminate the path of understanding, the answers becoming love letters to yourself.
Is there an undefinable obstacle between you and your dreams?
Can you see the utter perfection of your life beyond your judgment of it?
Would you rather live through your faith than in the pit of your fear?
Curious about what it means to live a soul-centered life?

What You'll Experience
Joy, Healing & Transformation
Empowerment, Fulfillment and Gratitude
A Greater Sense of Empowerment
More Fulfilling Relationships
A More Grateful Heart
Risk being vulnerable while recognizing your brilliance and empower the new direction in which you’ve always dreamt.
Refine your relationships by immersing yourself in love, trust, and appreciation.
Recognize what was once perplexing (pain) or even devastating (heartache) is now transformative.

Nourish with Nature
For Flourishing and Flowing Forward!
Because this is a multi-dimensional and integrative process, Dr. Lauren will look closely at how pivotal moments in your life have become the medicine of your life.
Finding the open door (where we begin) is a requisite and her expertise in the art of healing - physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually – the key is understanding that each layer is intimately and exquisitely connected to another.
With over 30 yrs. of experience working with the heart and soul of human bodies and human beings, Dr. Lauren intuitively knows how to navigate this landscape.
Whether you choose one session or make a commitment to yourself through a series of sessions, you will begin the journey of making solid and soulful choices for your vitality and wellbeing together.
The Tool Box

Conversational Wellness
Sacred Listening
Consciousness Clearing
Core Transformation
Core Emotional Needs
NLP Healing Arts
Havening Technique ®
Metaphors of Movement

The Elixirs of Nature
Aura Soma Color System
Flower Essence Support

The Power of Touch
Wellness Ahhhjustments
Jin Shin Jyutsu

Integrative Nutrition
Whole Food Supplementation with Standard Process & Medi-Herb (Buy here)​
Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
James Baldwin