Symptoms are useful. They provide ample opportunity for course corrections and a deepening of our life intention. Regardless of where they begin, they remind us there's more.
With certainty comes right action or perfect stillness, and a better understanding of timing; knowing what to do, when and how. On your first visit, we'll explore what brought you to Dr. Lauren – challenges, diagnosis, fears, beliefs, responses, goals and next steps. We’ll clarify to discern purpose, meaning and direction.
Next Steps
​Decide what you want. Only you can.
Book a session to schedule your initial consultation.
If you have an in-person visit, download this form, fill it out and bring it with you to the appointment.
Show up. It’s how you say YES and how prayers get answered.
Please plan on 60-90 minutes for your first appointment.
Please review the insurance and 24-hour cancellation policy.
What Happens When You Arrive?
We begin the relationship of healing.
Awaken, Witness, Reach
That things happen to you is one level of understanding - to know that things happen for you, and regardless of circumstance or diagnosis, is to awaken to moments of awe that have you remembering your raison d'être - your reason for being.

Disclosures, Insurance & Cancellation Policy
Disclosure & Terms of Acceptance
Please read the following carefully for our work together.
The transformative approach of Dr. Lauren Nappen (inclusive only of the tools used in this office) is in no way a replacement for appropriate medical, psychological or psychiatric care. It is your responsibility to disclose any relevant diagnosis/medications to the work you will be doing.
It is clearly understood:
That there is no promise or offer of any kind, on the part of the doctor or this office to treat any symptom, condition, or disease.
That the focus is on clearing and releasing patterns of consciousness, creating the greatest opportunities for growth, healing, and manifestation of desired goals. The care offered in this office is designed to empower how you move and thrive in your life.
Cancellation Policy​
While scheduling challenges do occur, we thank you in advance for cooperating with the 24-hour cancellation polity. Should you be unable to comply, you will be billed for the scheduled service in full, whether virtual or in person.
Exceptions for Inclement Weather On-Site:
Spiritual Coaching/Counseling sessions may be shifted to virtual.
Hands-on energy medicine will be rescheduled entirely.
To Reschedule/Change Appointment:
Call the office directly: 215-794-0606
Text the office cell phone*: 215-815-2729 (*Cell Phone Etiquette: Late night texts will be answered the following day. If you have a true emergency, please go to the nearest ER.)
A Note About Insurance​
The comprehensive level of wellness care offered through coaching, spiritual counseling and inner alignment is not recognized by major medical insurance carriers and is out-of-network with all insurance.
Chiropractic Care: If your care includes chiropractic wellness adjustments, as a courtesy the office will electronically submit any paid invoice at the end of each month. This office does not write reports for any insurance company, nor does it handle personal injury cases.
Nutritional Support: Receipts are available for eligible expenses through your HSA when purchased directly from this office only.
It is under these parameters that you consent to receive care in this practice, for yourself or your child. Should you feel that a different approach is needed for yourself or your child it is your responsibility to follow that inner guidance.