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Wisdom to Flourish
Essays for the Spiritual Heart

Flowing Forward
A big, black, dog curls up by my head as I toss and turn in the heat of the night, duking it out with all that remains unsettled, the...

Sacred Medicine
She is dusk and dawn, optimism and hope, the illumination and the enlightenment – she is renewal and adventure – giving and receiving and...

The Crying Chair
The crying chair beckons me to come sit. This sanctuary, a space for truth and revelation, offers her healing and loving to all who cross...

Finding the Open Door
It began with a question about faith. Something will awaken us - Then, it morphed into a conversation about the curious nature of trust,...

Hope Springs Eternal
Creation is necessarily about differentiation. It’s the ironic twist of soul laden fate to create separation so we discover the many...

Abbott & Costello, Dr. Lauren Style
Ignorance is Bliss... until it isn't. Reclaim Your Bliss by Understanding the Blessing. A funny thing happened when I got to the hardware...

Heart of Winter
Even though we are in the heart of Winter, the edge of Spring is nearly here, perched on the doorstep of our creative spirit. We are...

Cherish Everything
Practice Acceptance. Cherish Everything. Pace Yourself... the quality of your life will increase exponentially. The Blessing that...

The Unencumbered Heart
The Original Medicine Sanctuary is OPEN Now more than ever, this enlightened space is an invaluable resource for bolstering immune...
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