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The Unencumbered Heart

The Original Medicine Sanctuary is OPEN

Now more than ever, this enlightened space is an invaluable resource for bolstering immune resilience, as well as emotional and spiritual well being. 27 yrs of active practice, in addition to the collective assets of colleagues, mentors and personal research, you have available to you the best resources for health and vitality. Please avail yourself as the spirit moves you.

  • The office is sanitized morning, evening and in between each practice member.

  • Wellness Ahhhjustments can be received face down, face up, seated or standing. No one posture is better than another so you can feel confident about staying subluxation free, with the greatest ease possible. In addition to traditional face paper, we have personal face cloths for each ahhhjusting table, laundered daily.

  • The Certainty Session (spiritual counseling supported by Aura Soma Color, Flower Essences, Jin Shin Jyutsu, and Sound for the Spiritual Heart) can assist with managing the threads of fear and doubt that can easily plague anyone during this time of rapid change (in person, skype, FT, or phone).

  • Whole food organ/immune specific supplementation is also available in person, via skype, Facetime, or phone. Nutritional Supplements and dosage bottles of Bach Flower Remedies power can be shipped directly to you or drive by service is available.

A Wellth of Soulutions are at your fingertips.

Call the office (215.794.0606) with questions or concerns.


A bit of fun news!

In the midst of this blessed COVID Challenge, the office became a FINALIST for Bucks County's BEST! Great fun considering we are one of the smaller specialty practices in the area!

To each of you who voted, let me just say:

Thank you!!! I feel very blessed to offer this work.


People ask me if I'm scared.

Not really, and that is the truth.

I realize that I have a lot more faith than fear; faith in the human body, in the tenacity of the human spirit to reach for something greater than itself, faith in the nature of life as we each experience the rise and fall of practically everything. I have faith in the creation and the source of creation, even when I have the audacity to disagree with how utterly and unequivocally bad it looks.


People ask me how I’m handling things; well, considering...

I practice acceptance daily. Gratitude expands as I allow it.

That doesn’t mean I didn’t have my fair share of shock, dismay, sadness, and longing while taking world events very personally. Like the rest of humanity, I too was plucked from my creature comforts, from habits of living that were cozy, inclusive of emotional turbulence, questionable rationale and reactions to current events that got hijacked by long lost wounds just waiting for their moment in the sun.

Each of us has perfected the art of trying to prove some kind of truth through inaccurate perception (Voltaire) when our observation deck is low to the ground, if not in the mud (fear) rather than as high as Spirit (trust) encourages. 

When we step aside from the habit of personalizing, we become more available to consider that instability is an indispensable biological innovation. All living things wobble consistently between states of balance, from our cells to the stratosphere.

Whether global or personal, human beings still need crisis (disease, broken promises, unexpected news) to initiate change. Acting as both the intervention and the awakener, it forces us into directions we probably ought to have found for ourselves.

Indeed, the beauty of a thing is often hidden in the messiness of a thing - "definitely something to ponder,"  says granddaughter Amelia


The energy and frequency of discontent that spans the history of being human has laid itself bare upon our doorstep, from the most imperceptible life form to the collective emotional heart longing for wholeness and a welcoming into the arms of infinite peace.

If our trajectory has been to seek for some template of the world’s definition of perfection, then we may find ourselves taunted to exercise our faith in the story that fear tells us (its need to be right) rather than the path that Spirit shows us (our innate need to be loving).

Chaos asks us to take the high road, to call upon the space and spaciousness of the unencumbered heart - to consider what it means to be adaptable, compassionate, and caring, doing our best to cooperate with what Is.

We can more deeply explore what it means to honor ourselves and others under the veil of best and highest good, understanding that this changes as the heart grows ever wider, the outer web of protection softened with each inhalation.

We can sacrifice density for buoyancy by letting go of all we thought we never could or would – assumptions, beliefs -ourselves.

And lastly, but certainly not least, we can re-examine how much power we give to fear and how little we rely on trust, regardless of the story-line, remembering that forgiveness is good medicine when we miss the mark … it’s good medicine no matter what.

So, what do you do when there are so many elephants in the room and voices in your head? How do you manage when the decibel of cry and complaint becomes so loud it drowns out the very whisper of Spirit tapping on your heart?

You remember you have wings.
Faith is the ahhha moment that Relaxation is merely Trust hiding in plain sight.

Wishing You, Dr. Lauren Nappen


Some Things to Consider.

Remember that every moment is in touch with eternity.

Everything we see in the world lives within us... recognize the reflection; it’s your opportunity to reflect.

Count only your blessings. It’s the only number that matters.

Be of service. The highest calling and the most deliberate action of faithing, is to be of service, regardless of the nature of the conflict or crisis. It heals everything.


Always live in the direction of your joy.

Dr. Lauren Nappen

Office: 215.794.0606

Text: 215.815.2729


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